Chief Becker issued some reminders for locals |Photo by B. Shakyaver
The next time you see a flashing green light coming up behind you, move over.
That’s the message that South Huron Fire Chief Jeremy Becker says they’re always trying to get out.
A flashing green light on the dash of a car indicates a volunteer firefighter on their way to respond to an emergency.
Becker says that unlike their more urban counterparts, rural fire departments are largely staffed by volunteers, who show up at a moment’s notice when they’re needed,
While the drivers must always follow the rules of the road, allowing them to respond to am emergency as quickly as possible is one way that the public can show their support and appreciation for the men and women that keep us safe.
Despite popular belief, firefighters in rural areas are not constantly on duty – there’s usually only two staff present at the fire hall when there isn’t an emergency,
Becker says that rural fire departments couldn’t do what they do without the support from the community – with many employers allowing the volunteer firefighters on their staff to respond to emergencies during work hours. Volunteer firefighters sacrifice a lot to keep their communities safe.
Awareness about the flashing green lights is something that Becker says locals know about, but visitors or newcomers might be a bit murkier on,
So next time you see a green light, move over, and let them pass. You never know where they’re heading to help.
Written by: B. Shakyaver