The picturesque shelf ice along Lake Huron’s shoreline may appear inviting, but hidden dangers lie beneath.
Shelf ice, formed by wave action and slush accumulation, poses a serious risk due to its inconsistent thickness.
James Marshall, Fire Chief of the Municipality of Lambton Shores, says that what seems stable one moment may give way to treacherous crevices the next.
He says that the Lake is a particularly challenging environment due to it’s unpredictability.
Signage, social media campaigns, and direct interactions with residents aim to raise awareness about the risks not only on shelf ice but also near partially frozen rivers and waterways.
He says that they’re focusing more every year on education.
While it may look like a good place to snap a picture, Chief Marshall suggests enjoying the beauty of shelf ice from the sandy shoreline rather than putting your safety at risk.
Written by: B. Shakyaver