Photo by B. Shakyaver
Ahead of the Easter long weekend road trips, families throughout the province are preparing for travel. The OPP stresses the importance of seatbelt usage, emphasizing that during a collision, the safest position is securely seated behind a fastened seatbelt.
Throughout the weekend, the OPP will be launching a seatbelt safety campaign, aiming to ensure that every driver and passenger is properly restrained. The goal is to prevent instances where individuals are issued provincial offence notices for failing to comply with seatbelt laws.
Tragically, in the past five years (2019-2023), 296 fatalities on OPP-monitored roads have been linked to lack of seatbelt usage.
“Attending the scene of a fatal collision is one of the most difficult calls for service that our frontline officers and emergency partners respond to. More often than not, if seatbelts had been worn, lives would have been saved. Wearing a seatbelt and ensuring children are properly restrained gives you and your family the best chance of surviving and reducing injuries if you are involved in a collision. Please buckle up.”
– Thomas CARRIQUE, Ontario Provincial Police Commissioner
Written by: C. Soares