High speeds on County Road 84 west of Zurich had Councillor Winona Bailey proposing a reduced speed at Bluewater Council’s meeting last Monday (May 20)
Her motion aims to extend the 50 km/h speed limit west of Zurich to beyond where the current 70 km/h zone begins, with the 90 km/h limit starting near Bronson Line.
Councillor Bailey emphasized the high pedestrian traffic.
Councillor Greg Lamport clarified that while the shoulder was paved for pedestrian safety, legally, it is part of the roadway – presently, pedestrian use of the shoulders isn’t technically the purpose for which that area is designated.
The discussion highlighted the need for clear signage to prevent passing in the zone, ensuring that the shoulders aren’t encroached on by vehicles. Public Works Manager Dave Kester suggested that the change would be relatively cost effective.
However, as it is a county road, any changes to the signage would need to be authorised through them – Bluewater sent the reccomendation to change the speeds on to the county with an amendment to include additional signage prohibiting passing.
Written by: B. Shakyaver