In a celebration of Lambton County’s 175 years of rich history, the Lambton County Archives is recognizing 27 Heritage Champions.
Designed to acknowledge the outstanding efforts of individuals and groups dedicated to preserving and promoting the county’s heritage, the awards garnered nominations from across Lambton County.
Lambton County Warden, Kevin Marriott, expressed gratitude, stating, “These champions have been identified by their communities for demonstrating remarkable commitment to the conservation, restoration, and promotion of our local heritage and identity.”
Among the distinguished recipients are:
- Alan Campbell, for his dedicated support of the local Ontario Genealogical Society (OGS) branch, representing families from across Lambton County.
- Arkona Lions Club, for their work in preserving and interpreting an impressive collection of Devonian-Era fossils, minerals, and artifacts found in the local area at the Arkona Lions Museum and Information Centre.
- Bill Dokter Masonry, for their restoration project involving the historic commercial building at 599 Broadway Street in Wyoming.
- Charlie Fairbank, for his extensive work in drawing attention to the oil history of Enniskillen Township for over 50 years.
- George Smith (Posthumous), for his past work with the Lambton County Historical Society and heritage advocacy.
- Greg Stott, for his efforts in promoting the history of Lambton County as an author and historian.
- Helen Danby, for her research and recording of the history of local Imperial Order Daughters of the Empire (IODE) chapters.
- Heritage St. Clair Committee, for their work in preserving and promoting the storied history of St. Clair Township.
- John Rochon, for his local historical research and promoting awareness of the history of Lambton County.
- Kip Cuthbert, for his decades-long dedication to researching and writing about the stories of Sarnia and Lambton County.
These Heritage Champions will be bestowed with certificates and medals during the Lambton County Council session on June 5th, and their profiles will be immortalized on the Lambton Museums website.
For more information on the Heritage Champions and their remarkable achievements, visit
Written by: B. Shakyaver