In an annual event put on and hosted by the South Huron Chamber of Commerce and Exeter B.I.A. South Huron Mayor George Finch held his annual Mayoral breakfast address on Tuesday (May 4) via Zoom.
Mayor Finch shared that housing is going well. South Huron is the fastest growing municipality in the County, with the municipality continuing to attract large scale developers to South Huron.
Finch also said that homelessness is a problem everywhere in Canada and has been fighting to raise awareness. The Mayor is part of a County Task Force and continues to advocate on behalf of South Huron.
Finch also touched on recreation and the progress of the Council’s task force of which he is a member. He went into further detail on why the grant submission from the Municipality did not make the cut with the Province.
The Mayor reiterated throughout his address that he did not want to tax future generations for current projects. Being a good steward of taxpayer money in bringing about infrastructure and programs which meet the needs of the Municipality and balancing that with the “wants” of the community whenever possible has always been his goal as Mayor.
Mayor Finch also thanked and praised the hard work of his fellow council members and the entire staff in the Municipality during this past year!