In the heart of Huron County, a dedicated group of volunteers is making a significant impact on the lives of hundreds of families. Braving harsh weather conditions, this small team of about half a dozen individuals operates the Huron County Food Bank Distribution Centre’s (HCFBDC) mobile food bank, reaching some of the smallest communities in the county.
Even with temperatures on Friday feeling around -20 with wind-chill, these volunteers gathered in the parking lot of a church in Centralia, to distribute essential food items to those in need. The cold has been a challenge throughout the last couple of weeks.
That was Mary Ellen Zielman, Executive Director, said that the mobile food bank serves hundreds of families in the community.
Their mobile food truck program had a documented 7300 visits in 2023.
They also collaborate with nine food banks and 25 aid agencies in Huron County, ensuring a wide-reaching impact on the community.
Importantly, Zielman highlighted that donations made to the Huron County Food Bank Distribution Centre benefit the entire county, emphasizing that funds and food collected within Huron County stay within the community.
Zielman says that they attempt to make the food bank as welcoming and accessible as possible, no matter where they’re serving people.
The commitment of volunteers shines through as they provide crucial support to those facing food insecurity across Huron County, proving that even in the harshest conditions, compassion knows no bounds.
Written by: B. Shakyaver