Looking to promote eco-consciousness and sustainable practices, EcoExeter, a student environmental group at South Huron District High School, is gearing up to host a special event on Wednesday – it’s Bring Your Own Mug at the White Squirrel Bakery.
President Ryan Marsh says that the event is open to anyone in the community.
Vice President Liam Buckman says that last year almost 60 people turned up, but this year they’re hoping for even more – and if you ask Ryan, people love supporting a local business.
They hope the event will instill a habit of bringing reusable mugs, or even just get people thinking about it.
The group will also be running a raffle – Liam says that your ticket in, is to bring your own mug.
EcoExeter is also starting to turn their eyes to the future – with several members graduating this year.
As the group looks forward to the event, they invite everyone to join them at the White Squirrel Bakery for some free coffee, and to engage in discussions about environmental stewardship.
Written by: B. Shakyaver