This young person is taking over her parents berry farm, after growing up in the field picking strawberries.
Emily Morrison has recently stepped into leadership at Morrison Berries Country Market, marking her first year officially running the show. Her transition into ownership has been a blend of excitement and trepidation as she takes on the responsibility that comes with it.
Morrison Berries Country Market has been a staple for quite some time, operating since before Emily was born. Her parents planted strawberries the year they got married, meaning strawberry farming has been a part of Emily’s life from the very beginning.
Transitioning from being the child of the relationship to the leader in the business has had its challenges. “The challenge has been making sure to have conversations that are fair and respect my mom…,” Emily explains. “Being able to say, ‘Let me have control of something that you’ve had control of for the last 30 years’… I need to respect that because we’re still working together and I have to do that appropriately because we’re still mother-daughter family at the same time.”
However, Emily sees this transition as an opportunity to alleviate some of her mom’s burdens. “I hope that she knows she’s not doing this alone anymore,” she says.
Emily’s journey to becoming a farmer wasn’t straightforward. “I definitely went to school in university with a career aspiration in mind,” she explains. “Halfway through university, I realized… at the core of me, I always wanted to be a strawberry farmer.” For Emily, farming is not just a job; it’s a vocation.
When asked about the importance of younger generations getting involved in agriculture, Emily emphasizes the necessity of being leaders in the industry.
For those eager to taste Emily’s fresh Ontario-picked strawberries, they can find her at Morrison Berries Country Market, located at 37777 Amberley Road, Lucknow, Ontario. You can also visit the website,
Listen to the full interview below:
Written by: B. Shakyaver