The South Huron Connection Center is thrilled to be named the myFM Community Partner for the month of January. Andrea Loohuizen, Volunteer Coordinator at the Center, expressed excitement about the recognition and shared their gratitude for the partnerships they have within the community. She explained that this recognition is a great opportunity to inform people about the important work being done at the Center.
Located next to Noah’s Ark, the Connection Center, in partnership with the Huron-Perth United Way, offers a welcoming space for all. The Center also hosts service providers who offer office space to meet with clients and provide drop-in services for anyone in need.
Looking ahead, the Connection Center is gearing up for the Coldest Night of the Year walk in February. This event is a community favorite and helps raise awareness and support for homelessness. Those interested in participating can sign up on the Coldest Night of the Year website and begin collecting pledges. The walk will take place on February 22nd.
For those wanting to get involved with the Connection Center, Andrea invites them to reach out by calling the center, visiting their Facebook page, or stopping by the Center during the week to connect in person.
The Center is excited to continue making a difference in the community and is always open to new volunteers and supporters
Written by: K. Milhomens